Rosie Had Everything Planned | Supertramp |

Rosie Had Everything Planned

Testo Rosie Had Everything Planned

Acting upon information received
Rosie had everything planned
Stood in a garden with a shotgun in hand
What a woman

Whilst entertaining the headlines next day
Rosie would not be released
If it was found that her man was deceased
Silly woman

Oh but Rosie, a girl with a strange kind of humor
Stupidly took it a roomer
Making her think that she‘d lost
Double-crossed by a man who still

Stood in the garden and shaking her head
Rosie could not understand
Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand
Sad, sad woman

Oh but Rosie, how could a few words have made her
Certain that he had betrayed her
Making her think that she‘d lost
Double-crossed by a man who still very near to her

Row upon row of angel-hair
Rosie had everything planned
Sure that the people would not understand
Sad, sad woman

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